"Indeed We created man, and We know what his own self whispers to him."

-Al-Qur'an 50:16-

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

is it?

Is it too much to ask
That one must cherish me
Content only that I be
Cater to dreams I couldn't dream to have
Fight the worlds on Allah's(swt) behalf
Is it impossible
That one should be jealous over me
Yet never hinder
With out letting me run free
Perhaps there is one
That humbles me with his humility
Reaching to God for ways to dwell in tranquility
One with the ability to cushion my vulnerabilities
Fall in love with my sensitivity
Speak softly when the world is harsh to me
Encourage that through Allah Ill gain invincibility
For the sake of Allah our bond growing infinitely
Knowing life ends inevitably
Always making du'a that together in jennah we'll be

Sunday, November 16, 2008


This era is one of many words
Mouths like gaping holes unable to with hold
Thoughts, opinions, verses, speeches, prose
Encores without request
Everyone self satisfied that their public soliloquy is the best
Ya ani its a pretentious mess!
Still they strut around because no bigger mouth can be found

I dream of drifting back in time
Arab language in its prime
When men spoke words worth pausing for
With all their depth in language and culture
They couldn't produce even one like Al-kowther

Not works of soothsayers, poets, nor magicians
Truth that humbles its enemies into prostration
So read, in the name of your Lord
heed lest you bear a loss none can afford

Monday, October 27, 2008


I am going to die
One of these days
I wish I knew which one
I am going to lay in my grave
Face questions I wished I lived
Taste the products of a life spent

Sunday, October 05, 2008

In Love with Life

I was raised in a world that is in love with living
Loving everyone in every way
Yet they never really learned how to live what they love
They don't love how they live
So they settle for dreaming
They threw away love in a revolution
They didn't know that love is also obedience
Love needs discipline or it will run all over and ruin your fine life
Love is sublimation in times of burning passion
They didn't know, nor did they want to know
They traded love for the pursuit of common desires
A life of passions uncontrolled
Itching and scratching and tumbling where ever the wind blows
Some times the wind doesn't blow over beautiful meadows filled with wild flowers and lady bugs
Some times the wind blows over a cliff
Sure the fall will be exhilarating since your eyes are closed
But I promise you if you dare to look, you are not falling into heavens embrace
A rocky reef awaits your fleshy armor

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Last ten days

There are ten days left
After which I will be thrown into a sea of days
Each one passing with pieces of me
Never knowing until again arrives the first day of Ramadan
What a blessed time
When the whispers stop and hearts rest in tranquility
Masjids full
Charity flowing to and from
Nights in prayer, one of power
Janazahs of Ramadan, The gates of jennah are open insha'allah
When I look back from Eid ul Fitr...will I rejoice?
May the peace and blessings of Allah swt be on those who fast, May you enter jennah from the gate that quenches, Ameen!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Worst day of Ramadan

Yesterday was by far the worst day of Ramadan I have ever had in my life. Like most other hardships they tend to also be the best day.

I woke up 2 mins before fajr so I didn't have time to eat, and I knew it was going to be tough b/c I had a long day ahead. I went to my classes, went to jummah, then studied but fell asleep on my books and when I woke up the weather had changed from a nice fall day to dark clouds, heavy rain, and whipping cold wind. I was wearing very light fabric and flats and I knew that I couldn't last two mins out there b/c I lived hours away from school. So I called up my father but he said he couldn't pick me up b/c he was sick and tired( he really was)...I tired to wait out the storm but it wouldn't let up and around 6pm I decided that i had to face it b/c I had to get home for iftar.

As soon as I stepped outside my shoes filled with cold water, and I was being hit with violent winds and rain. Of course the transit system in my city is awful and on a good day you have to wait 20 mins for a bus but yesterday wasn't a good day. I had to wait over an hour for one bus, and half an hour for another, and nine mins for another. Then I had to walk 20 mins to my house. The only window of light was when I was on one of the buses a young high school girl was asking about my hijab and abaya, seems like her father is Muslim but she isn't from a religious family b/c she goes to catholic school, so i got my little dawah opportunity. By the time I got to that last 20 min trek to my house I was soaked, dead tired, hungry, lost all feeling in my hands, and my feet were in unbearable pain. The chatter from my teeth was uncontrollable but eventually that stopped and I think my body went into survival mode. I was so mad at the world, and very angry at my father for not inconveniencing himself to save me this pain. Every step was an effort and I was walking like a cripple and must of looked incredibly pathetic to the ppl driving by. The only relief was the hot tears warming up my cheeks and the du'a I was making to Allah(swt).

When I finally got to my house magrib time had already come, I stepped inside I could hear my family eating and laughing and enjoying themselves. I glanced at myself in the mirror and I looked like a pathetic mess.I was livid. I quietly climbed the stairs to my room, and tried to remove my wet clothes but my hands were stiff and red and it hurt to uncurl my fingers. I was sitting on the floor of my bed room hands and feet red and swollen and I just started to cry, a loud desperate sobbing. I could hear my family in the background enjoying their meal and I just felt so alone. I realized that truly Allah(swt) is the most merciful, infinity more that even the sacred love and mercy between a parent and child. I had no one to complain to but Allah(swt), I had no one to depend on except Allah(swt). Then it dawned on me, that as much pain as I was in, Jahanum is worse! I couldn't imagine having to face that . So I stopped crying and I asked Allah(swt) to forgive my anger to my parents and my impatience. I began the slow and painful removal of my clothing. Huddled under my blanket till I felt the life come back into me. Hobbled downstairs ate something, prayed one of the best prayers Ive prayed in a long time...then laid down and fell into a deep sleep. I could hear in my sleep as if it were a dream my mom complaining about me not cleaning the dishes and that I neglected the dishes b/c I was angry they didn't pick me up from school. Wallahi there is none more merciful than Allah (swt). Next thing you know my brother woke me up at 4 am, and I realized that I missed isha! ugh! I prayed that, ate then prayed fajr then went to sleep and woke up this morning with stiff limbs and a fever and a yellow face lol
But Wallahi Ive never been happier, because somehow under those horrible circumstances I found clarity.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

We Pray

Muslims pray five times a day, no matter what you're doing you're supposed to drop it and turn to your lord. I love praying and I love watching people pray. It is the delight of my heart and the delight of my eyes. enjoy the pictures...

with sincerity and concentration

a huuge Jamaat

in china

Taj Mahal

Under the sea ? lol

Praying in jamaat

Looks like it is Maghrib

With his trusty companion

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Masjids all over the world

Xian Masjid in China

Lovely sea side Masjid in Morocco

Masjid african style in Mali

The center of the Islamic world Masjid Al- Haram
with the Kaba(first building of worship constructed, ever) in the middle

The Prophets Masjid in Al Madina
Truely a piece of heaven on earth

Masjid in My city(canada)
Humbly beautiful

I love everything about Islam, and I would go to the masjid even if it were nothing but a humble shack, Insha'allah. Luckily I get to enjoy a gorgeous environment as well as replenish my soul. T

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Somewhere in the Middle

My life is lack luster poetry
I live not in the painful throws of passion
Nor in the receded genius of cold calculation
My life doesn't hurt but...
Ill never look back in triumphant satisfaction
My life is a modest smile, a slight disappointment
Its a moderate existence
politically correct
lived in clean
surface deep
and real

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Our sound

There is this sound people make in my culture
As if they were hit in the stomach with a blunt object
Like the last breath had just escaped your lunges
Your chest retracts as your heart retreats with in your body
wrenching of pain
Oh beautiful organ may Allah spare you
Hands clutch the bosom desperately
twisted and wrinkled with in them the clothes worn like a shield
Brief, quiet, and gut wrenching
This is the sound of my people
Of their pain
Ah, waa Ani badee
Oh, I am lost!


I have yet to find my diamond
My body bare of adornments
my gaze cast low avoiding sympathetic eyes
Pats on the back and condolences
Insha'allahs and du'as they mutter for me
Jazahkum'allah I respond
Beautiful patience they urge me
Beautiful patience, I nod agreeably
At times my heart aches selfishly
My diamond, my diamond
But I cry not diamonds
Just a salty sea filled with weeds
Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest
So I rest in the paradise of dunya
Awaiting death, judgment, and my diamond

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Where do I stand?

Where do I stand with you?
I dread the day I must face you, naked, scared, and alone
Ya Allah my sins are these that you can see and my heart you know better than me
Light upon light
While I'm alive I ask for light upon light
By the dawn searching my tired face eagerly for some sign I've gained this light
The wind blows a dog barks and I wonder if it means something
If it means I repel or reject your beautiful angels
As you know, some times I ask them, beg them, not to write
I have none but YOU, wont you answer me?
My eyes swell, heart aches, mind worries...
When I read hadith that warns of people like me
Ya Allah wont you answer me?
This is me, as you can see
Where do I stand with you?

Monday, June 23, 2008

Dont ask of me

Don't ask me to trust you... to love you
You found me too late
I've already put my trust in Allah alone
Pledged that I would love for the sake of Allah alone
His word is bond
and I am in the best hands
both of them right
Don't ask of me akhi
I choose the highest companion
He will provide a mate and we will live in tranquility fisibillah
Who, you ask, is this mate?
Allahu Aleem
So save poetry, your sweet words
Your empty promises that only fill empty hearts
I'm busy filling mine with Iman
So don't ask of me

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Freed Sami al-Hajj returns

1 down 250 to go! insha'allah

007.029 YUSUFALI: Say: "My Lord hath commanded justice; and that ye set your whole selves (to Him) at every time and place of prayer, and call upon Him, making your devotion sincere as in His sight: such as He created you in the beginning, so shall ye return."

Monday, June 02, 2008

Dar Al Ghoroor: World of Pride

This is a world of pride
And I am a stranger in it
Foolishly I wished to boast with them
My piling up could never be high enough
Satan whispers to the heedless
Oh how he played and danced and sang in my ear
I forgot that I was destined for an embracing grave
I forgot that I would answer for my favours
I forgot until I saw with a clear certainty
I forgot that I would see hell
Had I remembered I would have loathed wealth
I would have known that this is a world of pride
and I am a mere stranger in it